Iron deficiency anemia is a public health condition of epidemic proportions. It is considered by the WHO to be among the most important contributing factors to the global burden of disease. It is estimated that about 20% of maternal deaths are directly related to anemia and another 50% of maternal deaths are associated with it. (Anand, Rahi, Sharma, & Ingle, 2014). In India, over half of all pregnant women suffer from anemia. In the past twenty six years, this prevalence has only decreased by 3.5%. Why hasn’t it gone away? Unfortunately, even when pregnant women have access to iron-folic acid supplements, more than 60% do not take them for the recommended amount of time. This is why we started Violet Health and have created MamaBix -- to make a superior iron supplement for the many pregnant women who didn’t like to take iron tablets. Learn more about MamaBix here. Together, we all can work towards a world without iron deficiency anemia! You can read more blogs on pregnancy and learn more about MamaBix by clicking the buttons given below. Wishing you a healthy and happy pregnancy! |